
Individual Counselling for anxiety, depression, grief & loss, life transitions, stress management
Pregnancy, birth counselling & birth debriefing, transition to parenting, parenting support
Please contact Sue Power for online sessions
General Counselling
Counselling provides a supportive, safe and collaborative environment to help address everyday stress, grief and loss, anxiety, depression and life transitions through clarifying issues, exploring options, and developing strategies.
Counselling can assist in developing greater awareness, clarity and perspective in decision making, deepening understanding of yourself and your relationships with others, and provide relief from negative emotions and old patterns of relating. Sue offers a non-judgemental approach founded on empathy and respect for individual circumstances and utilises an integrative approach that includes mindfulness and emotion-focused strategies. She practices within the stringent ethical guidelines of her professional bodies to ensure safe practice.
Pregnancy and Birth Counselling
Pregnancy and birth signifies profound changes both physically and emotionally. A difficult journey to becoming pregnant, the physical adaptations of pregnancy, and outcomes of the birth experience can profoundly affect a woman’s ability to connect with the joy of being pregnant and subsequent bonding with her baby.
These changes affect a woman individually but also within a partnership. Unexpected feelings and emotions may develop that can be difficult to understand and process. Past mental health concerns or childhood experiences may re-emerge and intensify. A woman’s sense of self, beliefs and values may be challenged and may also reveal or heighten difficulties within interpersonal relationships.
A history of depression or anxiety may predispose women to perinatal anxiety and depression. Counselling support during pregnancy and post-birth can bring greater awareness and assist to heal old patterns of relating that may affect your birthing and parenting experiences. It can assist to expand and improve the significant relationships in your life as you adapt to the changes associated with becoming a parent.