Sue Lee - Doula
Mana is pleased to offer a Doula service to pregnant women. A doula is a trained professional that accompanies a woman in labor and stays with her for the duration of birth, right up until the first breastfeed is established. She will meet with you on several occasions before the birth as well as after to ensure all is going well.
The intention of a doula is to bring back the timeless tradition of women being supported by women during birth, taking fear away from birthing, instilling the wisdom of the laboring mother's body, whilst maintaining the safety of mother and baby.
Whether you are birthing at home or in a hospital, whatever your birthing plan is, a doula can help improve the birthing experience of mother and baby.
Whilst a doula is not a doctor or midwife and has no clinical role in your birth, studies such as the Cochranes Review show that the support of a trained doula is more effective than just hospital staff, friends and family alone. The same studies demonstrate that the support of a doula significantly reduces the rate of Cesarean Section, use of forceps, request for epidural, use of synthetic oxytocin, the use of drugs for pain management and the length of labor. The use of a Doula in your birthing journey is a calming, strong, beautiful and nurturing support for you and your baby.
Sue is also a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE), certified through Lamaze International. This certification is the most respected and recognised credential in childbirth education worldwide. Based on evidence-based information gathered from well-respected research, it is designed to promote, support and protect every woman’s right to give birth, confident in her own ability, free to find comfort in a wide variety of ways, and supported by her family and all members of the birth team.
Sue's Birth doula services include:
Minimum of two prenatal meetings, which includes birth education and assistance in creating birth preferences
One of the meetings with your birth support covering labour support techniques
Two prenatal massages, post 37 weeks can include induction points for birth readiness
Phone support as needed throughout pregnancy
On-call status 24 hours a day 2 weeks before and after EDD
Evidence-based information for you to research so you can make informed decisions about your care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum
Labour support at your home or hospital as required, or requested
Continuous support once active labour has begun and up to an hour after birth
Non-medical comfort measures such as position changes, relaxation, massage and other techniques for pain management during labour
Maintain a calm and peaceful birth environment as allowed by medical staff
In the rare event Sue is attending another birth or unwell, she will organise a backup doula to attend until she can arrive
A post birth massage named ‘Closing the Bones” designed to assist your body to integrate, usually done at around the 40 day mark
One postnatal follow up, usually occurring within the first seven days after the birth. This is to see how you are going, discuss any concerns you have, to review your birth.
Support Package $2500 payable by 38 weeks