HypnoBirthing International courses

HypnoBirthing, The Mongan Method, is a technique as well as a philosophy for achieving a relaxing, satisfying, and stress-free birth.
This program by HypnoBirthing International teaches you, and your birth partner, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.
You will learn how to call upon your body's own natural relaxant, and thereby lessen, possibly even eliminate, discomfort and the need for medication.
When you are properly prepared for childbirth and when the mind and body are in balance, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all mothers in nature.
Using self-hypnosis, special breathing and visualisation techniques, hypnobirthing teaches you to release fear and to trust your body's ability to birth instinctively.
Cost for one-on-one couples' training: $1050 for 5 x 2.5 hour sessions with the mother to be and their partner.
Preferred start date: Between 20-25 weeks into the pregnancy.
Group classes: Please send an inquiry if interested in group sessions.
2hr HypnoBirthing Refresher
You can also book a 2hr HypnoBirthing Refresher course if you have done the HypnoBirthing International course in previous births (either with JodyAnn or a different accredited provider).
The 2-hour refresher course is a private and individualised 1-on-1 session, leaning into whatever you and your partner feel you need.
The cost is $190 and the session can be done via Zoom or in person.
"I am amazed by the whole experience and how magical and normal it all felt. I couldn't believe it happened so quickly, absolutely perfect in every way. Thank you so much for your support, coaching and massage - absolutely invaluable for my birthing experience."
"Dearest JodyAnn,
Thank you so much for guiding us through the HypnoBirthing Course and helping us with navigating the pregnancy and system. We honestly feel ready for one of the most important days of our life and are looking forward to meeting our new friend."
-Rahoul and Shally